September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, and this has special meaning to us here at Benchmark.
Facts About Childhood Cancer
- Every day 46 kids are diagnosed with cancer
- Every day 7 children will die from cancer
- Pediatric cancer kills more kids than cystic fibrosis, pediatric aids, and asthma combined
- 1 in 330 children will develop cancer by the age of 20
- Those that do make it will have side effects from treatment that will last a lifetime.
- You are aware, now spread the knowledge
Our own Misty Rangel witnessed this first hand when she lost her daughter.
I am not really sure where to begin with this but Sammy was a normal child that developed childhood cancer (wilms tumor) at the age of 4. She fought hard and won the battle twice in her 8 year struggle. The third time it came back with a vengeance and she fought as hard as she could but the human body can only take so much and we lost sweet Sammy Oct 2nd 2016 at the age of 13. God had a beautiful purpose for her life. Her journey, strong faith and beautiful smile touched and inspired so many lives. To this day I am amazed at the number of people that were led to Christ through her journey.
Our Benchmark family loved and supported us so much during her last fight. We were so blessed through it all and I am forever grateful.
Misty Rangel — Benchmark Corporate Office
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